Julian Truelove
Wondering What Comes Next
The morning after, life went on as normal,
yet the air was polluted with apprehension and clouds made of tears
choked our lungs like vines.
My heart still beat to its little drum,
but my mind exploded into chaotic noise
instantly drowning out the steadiness
and transforming into ear-splitting screeches:
“What comes next?”
“Will I be fully myself when all is said and done?”
“Is this the end of my life before it even started?”
“Is this the end of me as I know it? And I don’t feel fine.”
My heart’s drum played on, but louder.
“You must continue on.”
“You must keep fighting for yourself and for your kin.”
“You will stay brave and strong as you were before.”
“You must keep being yourself.”
Slowly, the vines in my lungs began to wither and die.
I stood up, ramrod
and knew that I must keep the battle going for myself
and for those who are like me.
Let this be a call:
Not to back down.
Not to fall.
Not to curl up and die.
Let this be a call:
To fight.
To keep fighting.
To be strong and kind as you were.