Maryrose Nieman Nelson
You wish to squash our dreaming
Dull the shine
Shove the butterfly back into the cocoon, chase the chick back in the egg and the
Crocus back into the cracked and frozen earth
throw white paint on the print of the most beautiful sunrise
Drone out freedom songs, joy ditties, love ballads, peace symphonies
Tie up dancing feet and twirling wrists, bash body homecomings
Does our
strike a chord deep in the inner-knowing of the
power hungry elite?
Maybe inside of you is some sweet inner child
pounding from the prison you have pronounced as her place in things
she begs for wings but to free the bird in your chest means breaking down the walls you’ve built around your tendermost parts
I hope
I pray
I dream that
you may let that sweet child out
Free her
Hold her
Listen to her,
so full of yearning and dreaming and believing and, darling,
I know it is terrifying to dig through deepest parts of yourself to let the grief out like a tender bird
To become your truest self and find peace in the not-knowing you had to do for such a long time
Ask a trans person
(We know how it feels)
Maybe we have more in common than you think, my dear
It’s never too late to be your truest self.
To let your tendermost parts be held, to hold, to grieve, to weep, to be.