the citizen trans* {project} by new words {press} seeks to publish & archive the voices & experiences of trans* writers in this anti-trans, post-election country. we’re sad. we’re angry. we’re disillusioned, tired & betrayed. as writers, it’s our job to write regardless. to shed light. to truth tell. to burn. the theme is simple: post-election writing. send us your tears, your rage, your hope, your hopelessness. send us your words. there is no voting process. if it’s on theme, we publish it online. Nothing is off limits except hate speech (decided on a case by case basis).
Righteous Rage Im Not Going To Stop Fighting by Sarah Lee
Sarah Lee Righteous Rage Im Not Going To Stop Fighting The day I awoke, To see a portent of things to come, I tried my…
god’s heaven on earth by Alana Settle
Alana Settle god’s heaven on earth Manifestation is a word I became obsessed with during my churchgoing years. I miss the adrenaline of manifestation—the mystical…
One vote, Two votes Red Votes, Blue Votes. by Westley Penland
Westley Penland One vote, Two votes Red Votes, Blue Votes. You say what we decide Shouldn’t be a reason to divide But it’s a little…
election day, just another day, we’re all on fire anyway by jp thorn
jp thorn election day, just another day, we’re all on fire anyway after tristan richards & david epstein nov. 2024 arrived like the creation of…
Little Prince by Indigo Holland-Simpson
Indigo Holland-Simpson Little Prince I see that little boy Staring back at me In the mirror In the morning Couldn’t be clearer What I see…
untitled poem by Quincy
Quincy untitled It’s late, I know it is, The sky begins to twist, The melancholy purple I’ve come to love. The…
An Open Letter to Performative Allies Asking Me How To Help by Jay Kibble
Jay Kibble An Open Letter to Performative Allies Asking Me How To Help Torch the damn buildings down and speak with your whole throat. …
Abecedarian on Things Big & Small by Sage Mitchell
Sage Mitchell Abecedarian on Things Big & Small All I know is what I give every day. Before the election, I was already spinning out.…
Trans Elder by Zoë Dunning
Zoë Dunning Trans Elder The average life expectancy For trans people is 35 Due to violence and suicide My future vision is blurry I…
Trans Day of Remembrance by Trevor Rizor
Trevor Rizor Trans Day of Remembrance I weep thinking of the loss. The loss of human life. Trans day of remembrance is a hard day.…
Gabriel Noel THE BODY AS A TOOL FOR VIOLENCE each morning I wake up & wonder which part of my body has become a land…
four score by Hank Cunnington
Hank Cunnington four score a deep sense of rage bubbles beneath the surface not quite strong enough to spill…