the citizen trans* {project} by new words {press} seeks to publish & archive the voices & experiences of trans* writers in this anti-trans, post-election country. we’re sad. we’re angry. we’re disillusioned, tired & betrayed. as writers, it’s our job to write regardless. to shed light. to truth tell. to burn. the theme is simple: post-election writing. send us your tears, your rage, your hope, your hopelessness. send us your words. there is no voting process. if it’s on theme, we publish it online. Nothing is off limits except hate speech (decided on a case by case basis).

LOADED by E. Zimmerman

December 27, 2024

E. Zimmerman LOADED i never used to keep a loaded gun next to my bed, under my nightstand. i never had a gun to begin…

Clock Strikes 3 by Renée LoBue

December 27, 2024

Renée LoBue Clock Strikes 3 The pit of stomach downwardness was a daily ritual. Sense and sense alone were all, spare the few grilled chicken…

scrambled eggs by Elle Kennedy Fell

December 26, 2024

Elle Kennedy Fell scrambled eggs the morning after the election i go to work and pretend like nothing happened. i try to block out the…

Fleeing to Omaha by Xiomara Jean-Louis

December 26, 2024

Xiomara Jean-Louis Fleeing to Omaha When antagonists overwhelm our TVs and trains, And the CVS stops stocking estrogen and SSRIs, We promised that we would…

The Last Agraphon by Alice Fulmer

December 23, 2024

Alice Fulmer The Last Agraphon There’s no savior to bleed for these times, but in the doomscrolls I see mile-a-minute martyrs roaring and raving on…